febrero 15, 2022
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Aguascalientes, Mexico (February 15, 2022) – With the purpose of promoting proactivity among the appointed committees, PATU President Juan Manuel Lopez and his Secretary General Mario Mandel met with the committee directors that conform the organization.

During early hours of the morning, Juan Manuel Lopez, PATU President in conjunction with his Secretary General Mario Mandel, held a meeting with leaders of the committees part of our Continental Union, with the objective of boosting and promoting the positive work of each area necessary for the optimal functioning of PATU.

“It is time for change and hard work, the committees were not appointed to hold titles, the committees have appointed highly qualified people to generate growth together with its members, in favor of our beloved PATU. This meeting is to establish specific objectives for each of area and to encourage from the presidency the proactive work of each one of them” said President Juan Manuel López.

The meeting was attended by Sandra Peña -Colombia- director of the Parataekwondo committee, Alejandro Mansilla -Bolivia- chairman of the legal committee, Alina Garza director of the finance committee, María Lourdes de Veer -Aruba- of the integrity and ethics committee, Moises Hernández -Dominican Republic- vice chairman of the athletes committee, David Jeong -United States- of the medical committee, Iridia Salazar -Mexico- of the woman committee, Chuong Pham -United States-, director of the Games committee, Áxel Sánchez -Puerto Rico- of the referees committee, Young Gi Jeon -Peru-, of the Poomsae committee and Geovanny García -Mexico- member of the Games committee.

Each director has the commitment to meet within the month of February with the rest of the members part of their committee, to give continuity and re-activate various activities that contribute to the development of each area and that consequently this will lead to the realization of the Pan American Taekwondo Union.

“We started the race of events and a series of activities for the benefit of our PATU family, the Pan American Online Poomsae Championships and Open, the Poomsae Training Camp in the Dominican Republic, as well as the preparations for the Onsite Pan American Championship of Kyorugi and Poomsae, that are some of the things we are about to start, and why is necessary that all our commissions are working optimally and thus gather the needs of all those who will be part of these events. With this we will have the best events possible in every sense” concluded the PATU President.

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