The decision was taken in a vote during today’s online extraordinary Council meeting which focused on restarting World Taekwondo Competitions. The Council considered bids from Baku (Azerbaijan), Beirut (Lebanon), and Cancun (Mexico) for the World Championships with representatives from each of the three cities delivering presentations during the meeting. Following the presentation an electronic vote was held and Cancun was awarded the Championships with 52% of the vote.

“We are delighted to announce Cancun and Sarajevo as the hosts of the 2022 World Taekwondo Championships and 2023 World Taekwondo Cadet Championships respectively. Both cities presented very strong bids and we have no doubt they will deliver wonderful competitions. Mexico has a proud history in hosting excellent World Taekwondo events including World Championships and Grand Prixes and we are sure Cancun will build on this heritage. For Bosnia and Herzegovina, it will be the first time they have hosted a World Taekwondo event and we believe this will act as a catalyst for the further growth of the sport in the country. Today’s meeting showed how much interest there is in hosting World Taekwondo events, and we are committed to restarting our competitions this year in a safe and successful manner.”
Said WT president Choue during the meeting
“It’s a huge honor for us, and as we did in the past, I’m sure that this World Championships will be a great success, and of course will help to our continental union to increase number of participation and of course also to get greater results. I encourage all the MNA’s to train hard and prepare well, because we will witness a top-level event. Let’s work together as a unity to accomplish all our goals”
Stated PATU president Juan Manuel Lopez.