August 17, 2023
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by administrador patutkd

PATU Press.- The Pan American Taekwondo Union, represented by LAE. Juan Manuel López Delgado, president; and Mario Mandel, Secretary General, presented this August 16 a progress report corresponding to the next edition of the Pan American Games Santiago 2023, in a meeting with the highest authorities of World Taekwondo in Seoul, South Korea.

López Delgado and Mandel held an important meeting with Dr. Chuncheon Choue, President of World Taekwondo, and with Jeongkang Seo, Secretary General of WT, to explain in detail the organizational status of the eighth edition of the taekwondo tournament in the history of the continent's great multisport festival.

"Both Dr. Choue and Mr. Seo will be accompanying us in the opening ceremonies and development of the Pan American Games competitions. We are very happy to have the presence of our highest authorities of world taekwondo, which ratifies the harmony and good relations between WT and this PATU administration."López Delgado confirmed from South Korea, adding that the meeting also served to present the planning and agenda of events in the Americas in 2024.

López Delgado, PATU president, together with Dr. Choue, WT president.

"We made an important explanation led by Mario Mandel about everything that will be these Pan American Games, which are a key competition within PATU's annual agenda and which I am sure will set an important precedent as a Multisport Games in the year leading up to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games." continued Lopez Delgado, also vice president of World Taekwondo.

In this context, Mandel explained that "We presented a preview of the Olympic Village, which includes 17 towers where the athletes and their coaches will be located. We showed the plans for easy transportation to leave the Village close to the subway, since the subway connects with almost all the venues and with the official transportation of the Games".

"We expounded on the different types of championship transportation involved with each of the officials." he added.

Santiago 2023 will unveil a Combat Pavilion and taekwondo will be one of the first three sports to inaugurate it.

"This Pavilion is located in the National Stadium Complex, it is the 12th stage and it is practically ready for the formal delivery. This Pavilion will house judo, karate and taekwondo. Dr. Choue was able to see a video that we presented to him and the plans, so that he could understand how the flow of the upper and exit lanes will look like, as well as the different departments for ParaTaekwondo."

The Santiago 2023 taekwondo tournament will be held at the new Contact Sports Center located in the Nuñoa district, inside the National Stadium Complex, from October 21 to 24.

The competitions will gather 136 athletes who won their qualification in the past Junior Pan American Games Cali - Valle 2021 and this year in the Continental Qualifying Tournament held last March in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The Kyorugui Senior will be contested in Olympic weight divisions, while poomsae will make its second historic appearance in this multi-sport event, where Team Kyorugui will make its debut.

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