February 28, 2024
  • 760

In a historic step towards strengthening taekwondo in the Pan-American region, the Pan-American Taekwondo Union (PATU) has signed two MOU’s with the aim of promoting inter-institutional cooperation and enhancing opportunities for athletes and the whole PATU family in the area.

These agreements were endorsed by the president of PATU, Juan Manuel López, and the CEO of USA Taekwondo, Steve McNally, and also with Rafaél Lebrija General Director of La Loma, in the presence and support of PATU's Secretary-General, Mario Mandel.

The first memorandum of understanding establishes a strategic alliance between the Pan-American Taekwondo Union and USA Taekwondo. This agreement seeks to foster the exchange of knowledge and experiences, organize joint seminars, and training camps for the benefit of athletes in the region. Furthermore, the ambitious goal is to set the Olympic High-Performance Center in North Carolina as a Pan-American training center, serving as a hub for the development and excellence in taekwondo.

In the words of Juan Manuel López, president of PATU: "This agreement marks a significant milestone in the history of Pan-American taekwondo. By working together, we can elevate the standard of our sport in the region and provide our athletes with the necessary tools to compete on a global level."

The second memorandum of understanding was signed with Rafaél Lebrija General Director of La Loma, an institution committed to educational development in the region. This agreement aims to have educational initiatives that will benefit communities with limited resources. The goal is to support developing countries, contributing to their comprehensive growth through educational programs designed to promote values, skills, and opportunities for future generations.

Mario Mandel, Secretary-General of PATU, expressed satisfaction with these agreements: "We are not only committed to the growth of taekwondo in the region but also to the comprehensive development of our PATU family. These agreements reflect our commitment to using taekwondo as a tool for positive change in society."

These MOU’s are just the beginning of a series of agreements that PATU plans to make with different countries and governments in the region. The vision is to build a robust network of cooperation that benefits the Pan-American taekwondo family at all levels. With these steps, the region is preparing for a promising future where taekwondo will not only be an elite sport but also a driving force for progress and unity in the Pan-American community.

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