The Pan American Taekwondo Union has just appointed the renowned Dominican coach Miguel Angel Camacho Rivas as head of the Coaches Committee, who will have as his right-hand man the British Paul Green representing the United States.
The Committee will be composed of a Chair, a Vice Chair and five members. The term of the assignments will be two years and its members will be eligible for re-election for another two years.
The Coaches Committee is composed as follows:
Chair: Miguel Ángel Camacho Rivas (Dominican Republic)
Vice Chair: Paul Green (United States)
Member 1: Rene Forero Tavera (Colombia)
Member 2: Luis Fredes Meza (Chile)
Member 3: Jae Park (Canada)
Member 4: Jannet Alegria Peña (Mexico)
Member 5: Martín Peterson (Panama)
Among the functions and responsibilities of this committee are to represent the coaches within the Taekwondo movement in the Pan American area, act as a liaison between coaches and PATU, protect the rights of coaches and their safety, support and communicate with the WT Coaches Committee, defend the rights and obligations of athletes, conduct studies, recommend methods and/or measures to improve the development and performance of coaches in Taekwondo competitions.
The Committee shall meet at least once every three months, unless otherwise agreed by the Committee members. Committee meetings may be held in person, by telephone, video conference or any other electronic means.
“With the contribution of the elite coaches of our region, being the people named absolutely suitable for the conformation of the committee, I am sure that we will raise the level of our competitions and with them the level of our athletes thanks to the recommendations and work of this committee”, stated Juan Manuel Lopez Delgado, President of the Pan American Taekwondo Union.
The Committee will have three advisors that could be present in the meetings with previous authorization of the Chairman. They are Dong Hwan Jin of Mexico, Federico Rosal of Guatemala and Migdalia Ramos Cordero of Puerto Rico.