Rio de Janeiro city has been selected by the Executive Council of the Pan American Taekwondo Union to host the continental championship in Paralympic modality.
Brazil, which currently has two Parataekwondo athletes at the top of the World Taekwondo Ranking, will assume the challenge of this competition at home, where it will surely show all its power.
The “Cidade Maravilhosa”, as Rio de Janeiro is nicknamed by the Brazilians themselves, will host this event between April 13 and 15 of this year and will not only be a great attraction for the competition itself, but also for its beauty as one of the most visited tourist cities in the world.
“In Parataekwondo we have the best athletes globally and that is something that makes me feel very proud. I am convinced that the Brazilian Taekwondo Confederation will be an exceptional host,” assured Juan Manuel Lopez Delgado, President of the Pan American Taekwondo Union.
It is worth remembering that together with the top athletes of the ranking, WT awarded Rodrigo Ferla as the most outstanding coach of 2021 and Nathan Torquato, as the best male athlete, for the great performance shown in the Paralympic Games “Tokyo 2020”.