The Pan American Taekwondo Union in its goal to renew and give a fresh air to organization and fill of positivism and good synergy for the athletes, designed a new image for its President’s Cup.
The President’s Cup, which takes place in all the Continental Unions and awards important points for the World Taekwondo Ranking, is an exclusive event for national teams and as far as the American continent is concerned, starting this year it will have a new image, according to everything that PATU is doing since the leadership of Juan Manuel Lopez Delgado took over.
“It’s not just about changing a logo or a typeface. Every change we make within PATU means in essence the absolute renovation of every detail, ranging from organizational, sporting, political and of course, even visual,” explained Juan Manuel López Delgado, President of PATU.
The “PATU President’s Cup 2022” will be held in August and the host city has not yet been confirmed, as there are several candidates and the Executive Council is analyzing the different proposals.